The Crown Stands for Christ our King. 
The 3 DOTS and DASH below is the Morse code for V. Which was used to symbolize VICTORY in the 1940's.

The logo as a whole, Essentially reads Victory through Christ

But thanks be to God! He gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Corinthians 15:57 

The proposed V-campaigne meaning VICTORY or VICTOIRE in French was The Rallying Symbol that signaled a calling around the world to band together as ONE to defeat evil. 

It was also used by Beathoven's famous 5th Symphony, or the Roman Numeral V for 5. The Symphony was critical in the Victory of the Allies.. The Familiar first four notes convert to Dot Dot Dot Dash in Morse Code indicating the letter "V" for Victory.           

To Sow plant seeds of Faith and Build Bridges to those who seek the Way the Truth and the Life. 
To Sow or Plant Seeds of faith by talking to people, sparking curiosity about the logo. People usually ask what brand it is which leads to a conversation.
For others in search of answers, We aim to Build Bridges by sharing what we know about the Bible, praying to guide anyone towards becoming followers of Christ.
To reach out to the ones that who have strayed off. 
“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? Matthew 18:12

The logo as Bold and Simple has planted seeds, introduced individuals to Christ. Reminds people of God; As it has for me, and many others. 

 Lets face it, Not everyone will turn to God if someone is yelling at them on the streets or at the mall demanding them to repent. Some people gets turned off from these tactics and pushes them more away from God.
To fill the void and reach out to those people, I wanted to create quality clothing that will represent Christ without it being the in-your-face approach. But more like planting seeds of faith that will grow overtime and also introduce to others. 
Faith is Knocking at the door and We will Be Victorious!


57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. ~1Corinthians 15:57

I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  ~John 14:6



Growing up, I have attended Churches, learned the prayers and the parables. Learning about the readings in the Bible and the Historical accounts of Christ and His Deciples. As I grew older, not really knowing what it is to have a Connection with God, a Relationship if you will.

I slowly lost touch and slowly lost faith. It became a Jesus thing. A God thing.

Fast forward to my 20's, Working mulitple hustles and always busy running after the money and buying into the hype of the world. In the corporate rental world, I have learned to be thick skinned. I have also become - A Prodigal Son. 

[ prod·i·gal - spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.]

On the way home though, Day after day, month after month; As I drove by the freeway I constantly saw signs on the billboard at Central Church inviting everyone to join the service on the Weekends. The billboard that says "It's OK not to be Ok" or "Come As You Are"  At one point I even remember getting a flyer that RUN DMC was visiting. Reverend Run to be exact 

On the following months before April of 2016, the billboard was changed to "EASTER AT CENTRAL". Since Ive been missing out on the prior years of invitations, out of curiosity, I decided to attend a mass on Easter Sunday. It was so powerful , that it opened up something in me. The theme was Celebrating our VICTORY through Christ.

I kept attending and learning more and more about the  Church. Every Sunday, when asked by Pastor Jud, someone raises their hand to become a follower of Christ. Some broke down and got baptized live on stage. It was a sight to see and even a greater experience to be there in person. A gathering like that makes you feel like something is around us. Im not an emotional person but that something.. man... something in my eyes comes out that makes my face watery lol. The tears werent as much as tears of sadness nor tears of joy. They were Tears of Thankfullness. Of Great Gratitude to Christ of his sacrifice that helps millions and millions of people daily.

That upcoming Summer;  friends/associates of ours was not able to attend a concert by Hillsong Worship Y&F along with other artist like, Kari Jobe, Rend Collective, Urban Rescue and others in Las Vegas. So they gave us the tickets. I somewhat knew of them but not really knowing how big of an even it was. 


2016 New Orleans Arena: Hillsong Y&F Outcry Concert
[the only photo I have of that day]


I noticed that People came in groups from different ministries! People from different states like Arizona, California, Utah etc...In Uniforms, Flags and all. There were the Old and the Young. People in different financial statuses. Families came. Groups and groups of different people came.  My biggest observation is that, although people attended in different walks of life,

Everybody in that Arena came for one purpose... And that purpose was JESUS. Everybody was essentially.... ONE

Many were very emotional and very very Ecstatic

It was like attending the usual concerts, the arena was full! With all that energy though, most importantly, there was 0! that's ZERO alcohol served!

I sat there in Awe...and there it is again. That feeling that something is hovering. That something I now understand that its the SPIRIT!

Then I thought to myself, Now I really want to share this to the world. This...this right here is the answer... this right here... is a REVOLUTION.


I have a great admiration of anything bold structural buildings that has clean lines incorporated with something soft like plant life or art that softens the aesthetics. I love Symmetry just as much as abstract. Kind of like a relationship between a Man and a Woman in some sense. Complimenting each others strenghts and weaknesses. 

During 2016 leading up to 17', I searched for a crown that has symetrically clean lines that  I can incorporate the 3 dots and a dash. Something thats simple enough that anyone can wear anywhere and bold enough that represents Christ. With my influences of the US Military, Streetwear and Athleisure along with Art History and Architecture, I have incorporated this inspiration. 

And finally, with the guidance of God, I found it!

I Perfected the angles down to the degrees so it mirrors it from one side to the other. With many adjustments of the Morse Code ( 3dots and Dash) Atlast the Logo was born. 

~ Godbless and Godspeed ~